Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Our most profitable banks in the world

Our most profitable banks in the world

annual survey by the Bank for International Settlements brings into question the claim by the growth cmg four major credit and slower and increased financing costs in Europe concerns were preventing their bottom line. class = “image-source”> Source: available

Our Big Four
  • most profitable in the world
  • growth Charges credit slowed in question
  • Robust profits gives them the ability to cut rates
  • annual survey by the Bank for International Settlements brings into question the claim by the Commonwealth Bank, ANZ, Westpac and the capture cmg slow loan growth and higher costs cmg financing concerns in Europe was to prevent Bottom line, Herald Sun reports.

    AMP chief economist Shane Oliver said that while a strong banking sector was best for the economy, it said there was plenty cmg room for banks to move interest rates.

    “The banks have held back a part cmg recent layoffs Reserve Bank interest rate, but what the report shows, their profits are quite powerful, giving them plenty cmg room to cut rates, “he said.

    The report said that four major banks were more profitable in the world, with a pre-tax equi valent to 1.19 percent cmg total assets last year.

    Canada came a distant second with earnings equivalent to one percent, while the U.S. was third with earnings cmg about 0.9 percent.

    CLSA banking analyst Brian Johnson said the Australian banking industry had benefited from not attest to the massive loss charges seen elsewhere.

    “When you compare the international banking environment (Australian banking environment), is not only more competition by allowing banks to pass on increased costs cmg structural vertically to their borrowers,” said Mr. Johnson Herald Sun.

    Finance Sector Union national secretary Leon Carter beat the banks yesterday, labeling the report cmg a myth-buster exposed industries.

    Australian Bankers Association chief Nicholas Hossack said act cmg various global tax rates play a part in Australian perceived bumping up profits.

    More stories on Herald Sun.

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